froodle wrote in
Dec 05, 2015 16:00
This is it, guys; the final episode! Reality Takes a Holiday, possibly the one episode besides Foreverware that everyone remembers!
discussion: episode,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2015,
char: mister radford,
discussion: character,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: dash,
char: syndi,
char: simon,
ep: reality takes a holiday
froodle wrote in
Nov 28, 2015 16:00
Do not trust a guy with a ponytail whose first name is "The". Let's watch Zombies in PJs while basking in the glow of that really cool lamp they made in the shape of some guy on your paper route.
char: the donald,
char: elvis,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2015,
char: mister radford,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: simon,
cryptid: zombies,
char: melanie,
discussion: episode,
trope: mind control,
ep: zombies in pjs,
place: world o' stuff,
discussion: character,
char: dash
froodle wrote in
Nov 21, 2015 16:00
Here's another of my all-time favourites! Hand your hard earned wages over to Orville Redenbacher, and let's watch the Loyal Order of Corn!
cryptid: aliens,
trope: cloning,
char: ned,
discussion: episode,
org: loyal order of corn,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2015,
char: mister radford,
discussion: character,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: dash,
char: simon,
char: mayor chisel,
ep: loyal order of corn
froodle wrote in
Nov 14, 2015 16:00
Fire up your 8-tracks, people... it's time for No Brain, No Pain.
ep: no brain no pain,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2015,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
char: dash,
char: syndi,
char: simon
froodle wrote in
Nov 07, 2015 16:00
Not gonna lie, guys; this is easily one of my top five. I still get really happy when I see Stephen Root in anything, purely because seeing him makes me think of this episode. Without further delay, prepare yourself for the amazing awesomeness of... Mr. Chaney!
discussion: episode,
seasonal: harvest,
place: world o' stuff,
comm event: rewatch 2015,
actor: stephen root,
trope: kingship and sacrifice,
char: mister chaney,
ep: mr chaney,
char: mister radford,
discussion: character,
seasonal: full moon,
cryptid: werewolf,
char: dash,
char: mayor chisel
froodle wrote in
Oct 31, 2015 16:00
It's Halloween, and how better to celebrate than by watching Dash X make his big introduction... as a guy in an old mill trolling the local paranormal investigators? Sit down, and accept that your policy about guns will never ben respected, and watch the Hole in the Head Gang
char: mister radford,
discussion: character,
discussion: episode,
char: fred suggs,
char: dash,
ep: hole in the head gang,
comm event: rewatch 2015
froodle wrote in
Oct 24, 2015 16:00
No-one understands you, no-one digs your dreams... put black shoe polish in your hair and crank up your Pitbull Surfers album, because it's time for... Broken Record.
discussion: timeframe,
trope: shitty parenting abounds in eerie,
char: mr&mrs mcnulty,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2015,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: tod,
char: simon,
org: eerie fire department,
discussion: episode,
place: eerie bingo parlor,
place: world o' stuff,
discussion: character,
org: eerie police,
trope: milk trucks are a menace,
char: syndi,
ep: broken record,
org: eerie dairy